Welcome to Steelpan European

Dortmund/Germany – Photo from right to left:
Rob Booden, NL Jenny Lee, F / T&T Matthias G. Kauer, CH

UN declares
August 11th World Steelpan Day

Last update: Saturday, September 14th, 2024

STEELPAN EUROPEAN (SE) is a paneuropan organisation, foundet in May 1999 by steelband representatives from Demark, France, Germany, Switzerland an the United Kingdom at the Embassy of Trinidad & Tobago in Bruxelles. Soon representatives from Finnland, Sweden und The Netherlands joint the association.
SE organized in May 2000 the first European Steelband Festival at Parc de la Villete in Paris and 2 years later a second festival in Sète/France.
If you are looking for Compact Discs with steelband music from Europe and Trinidad & Tobago please see: https://steeldrums.ch/?page_id=342

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